Any law concerning car stereos was likely started at the grass roots level, by neighborhood residents who grew tired of hearing thumping bass running up and down their block at all hours of the night. These residents approached their local government officials who then put laws into place that penalize those who enjoy “cruising” with loud music.
If you’re going to be riding around town showing off your new car audio system, here are some tips to help you stay on the right side of the law.
- Keep the volume on your car stereo low when driving through residential areas. Show respect for the people who live there.
- Keep your windows rolled up – especially when playing music that has a strong bass line. Closed windows will help trap a good amount of the bass sound inside your car.
- Read up on local laws about noise and car stereo music. Some of these laws can actually be pretty tough – potentially costing you your driver’s license or significant fines.
- Don’t draw attention to yourself by playing music with offensive lyrics loudly. This is one of the fastest ways to draw the attention (and ire) of local police.
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