When it comes to certain things you might place on your car, some states do have laws. For example, in some states you cannot have tinted windows. Whereas in other states you can have tinted windows, such as in Florida, but the tint has to have a certain clarity. While we might think these laws are dumb, they are actually put in to use for a good reason. When it comes to neon lighting you also will need to look up the laws in your specific state. I know in my hometown of Pittsburgh PA, this is illegal.
You can still place them on your car, you simply cannot drive with them on. In this case, neon lighting is mainly for show. I know we have one town called Mt. Washington up at the Look Out, and if you go there at night on a Friday or Saturday you will see ten cars lined up all parked, with their neon lights on! It’s pretty cool to see and to have on your car. Just make sure you follow the laws! Other more conventional items such as car audio and mobile video may also pertain to certain laws in your city or state too.
For instance, for something like mobile video, you may only be allowed to have these screens in the backseat rather than the dashboard. Or with something like car audio, you might not be allowed to raise your volume on your system panel to a certain level. It's always best to just follow the laws where applicable! And it’s always best to get your car accessorized at www.PyleAudio.com!
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