I love the west coast G style, and I've always dreamed of having a '64 Impala Lowrider. One day, I saw just the right one parked on my street. It belonged to an old man I knew. I pestered him for about a year before he sold it to me. I told him how I was going to soup it up, too, no secrets. He was cool. He even made me promise to get a high quality car audio woofer, so I wouldn't embarrass him when I was riding around. Dude had his rep to consider, like anyone!
When I bought it, I didn't have a ton of money. That car was a labor of love. I started with the superficial: a crazy hydraulic system with some chrome spokes and a sick paint job. So it looked great. But I was going to school, working, paying rent at the time. How was I going to afford a top-notch car audio woofer?
If it weren't for Pyle Sound Around, I would not be listening to the sweet sounds I'm hearing now. In fact, I might not even be driving. I promised I wouldn't embarrass my old friend, but mostly I didn't want to embarrass myself. The system in the car was weak. But I bought this sick car audio woofer from Pyle at a way lower price than the ones I'd been looking at in the store, and everything's been a smooth ride from there.
When I drive down my block, sometimes my buddy is sitting in a chair on his stoop. I slow down right in front of him, bump the bass, bounce the hydraulics, and he gets the biggest grin on his face you ever saw.
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