It's summertime, which if you're anything like me, means two things:
1. Roll the windows down.
2. Turn the stereo up!
Last summer I embarrassed myself pretty good, blowing out my car audio speakers at a stoplight. There were some extremely good-looking girls on the corner, and I was jammin in the car, my seat leaned back just a little, not too much, and they were smiling at me, which I considered a signal to give them just a little more of my tunes, so I bumped the volume a notch or two and...boom. Fizzle. Quiet. They laughed.
They laughed, so it's all good, right? But how much better would it be if they were laughing with me, not at me, say, across the table at Mickey D's, drinking shakes and eating fries? What I really wish is that we still had drive-ins, like in the 50s. I'd leave the car audio speakers loud, so we had to shout over each other, just for fun, sharing fries and ketchup across the console. Sweet.
Obviously this year, I needed new car audio speakers. I wanted top of the line equipment, and I wanted the works. Not just speakers, but amps, subwoofers, the whole nine. Now I don't make a ton of money, so I had to find quality hardware at discount prices. I guess you know where I found it all, since you're reading this blog, too.
And if you happen to be one of those lovely ladies from my neighborhood, keep an ear out. Here I come.
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